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Driver Book

This digital copy of your driver book, will resumes all your responsibilities and obligations.
If will we all the instructions by the book, we all can benefit from it, as company operator and you as professional driver.
Driver Book Download

Section V2 - First Use Checks


Before driving any vehicle, the driver will complete the laid down daily/vehicle checks these are now called First Use Checks. Any vehicle that is, or suspected to be, in an unsafe or illegal condition will not be used, until all necessary repairs have been completed. Managers will undertake spot checks of vehicle condition periodically.


Section V3 - Fuel and Tyre Usage


Drivers will be trained to drive in a safe and fuel-efficient manner. The performance of both drivers and vehicles will be monitored on a regular basis


Section V6 - Safe Loading


A vehicle will not be used or loaded in such a way that it endangers either those using the vehicle or other road users. No vehicle will be knowingly overloaded and vehicles will always be operated within the legal gross maximum weights and maximum axle weights. Loads will be properly secured and safety procedures concerning particular types of load will always be followed.


Section V8 - Working at Height & Prevention of Falls from Vehicles


Loading and unloading will be planned to minimise working at height. All persons engaged with the loading and unloading of vehicles and trailers will use safe systems of work and use suitable access equipment


Section V9 - Vehicle Manoeuvring


All vehicle manoeuvres will be carried out in accordance with the safe systems of work that apply to the particular manoeuvre being completed. Drivers will exercise careful control of a vehicle throughout a manoeuvre to avoid causing injury to persons and damage to property. Page 5 of 47


Section D1 - Licensing and Qualifications


All persons authorised to drive a vehicle on company business must hold a full, current driving licence for the type of vehicle(s) being driven. Driving licences will be examined at six monthly intervals and a record kept of the checks being made.


Section D2 - Driving Standards - Driver Responsibilities


At all times when on the road drivers will drive within the law, be courteous and present a good company image. Drivers will operate their vehicles in accordance with the Company Code of Conduct.


Section D2 - Driving Standards - Safety


Drivers will never take risks and plan to avoid the risk caused by other people. They will anticipate and understand the actions of other road users and avoid conflict with others. Drivers will take personal responsibility for creating safety on the roads.


Section D2 - Driving Standards - Speed Limits


Drivers must ensure that they know the maximum speed limit for the vehicle they are driving and obey posted speed limits at all times. Vehicles will be driven at an appropriate speed, according to the prevailing road conditions. Managers will undertake spot checks of vehicle speeds periodically.


Section D2 - Driving Standards - Actions


Following Breakdowns and Collisions When a vehicle breaks down or is involved in a collision the driver will have regard for their own safety and for the safety of other road users. They will notify their nominated manager by phone and act at all times in accordance with the Company’s laid down procedures.


Section D2 - Driving Standards - Safety Equipment


Drivers will wear/use safety equipment and protective clothing as required by regulations or local management rules.


Section D2 - Vulnerable Road User Safety


Vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians (especially children, the elderly and the disabled), cyclists, motorcyclists and highway workers will be treated with courtesy and respect. Drivers will know and apply the rules in the Highway Code


Section D4 - Driving Standards - Mobile Phones


Hand-held mobile phones will not be used whilst driving. If a vehicle is fitted with a hands-free phone the driver should only acknowledge the call, if safe to do so, and stop at a suitable place and return the call if more detail is needed. To read or send a text message the driver must park in a safe, off-road location. No mobile device or earphones should be used when driving.


Section D2 - Driving Standards - Drink and Drugs


Drivers reporting for work must not have consumed alcohol in such quantities that they are still Page 6 of 47 over the legal limit and not be taking medicines, or any other substance, that could impair their ability to drive


Section D2 - Driving Standards - Fatigue


Drivers reporting for work must be rested and whilst at work will not continue to drive whilst feeling drowsy. The Company procedure will be followed if it is not safe to continue driving.


Section D4 - In-Vehicle Technology Company


Policy with regard to the use of in-vehicle technology (i.e. SatNav) - will be adhered to at all times. If other in-vehicle technology is provided it will not be used in such a way that the driver is distracted from safe driving and its use poses a risk to the driver’s safety and/or the safety of other road users.


Section D5 - Health and Safety


The Company will comply with all statutory duties on health and safetyensure on the road and workplace transport safety, as far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees when they are driving or are on the road in the course of their work. Safe and healthy working conditions will be provided for employees to ensure that the conduct of their work does not endanger employees of others, or members of the public. This system will be achieved through management systems, communication with staff and an investment in necessary training. Achievement of this Policy will be measured through regular reviews of performance, the details of which will be advised to all employees.


Section D6 - Driver Fitness and Health


Drivers are required to notify their nominated manager of any fitness issues or changes that may affect their entitlement and ability to drive. Company Policy with regard to Fatigue will be adhered to at all times. Drivers will undertake eyesight checks at regular intervals at least one every six months.


Section D7 - Drivers’ Hours and Working Time


The Company will have in place the systems required to ensure that the rules on drivers’ hours and tachographs, including working time regulations, are observed and that appropriate records are kept. Drivers and other relevant staff will receive training and instructions that enable them to understand and comply with the rules.


Section D8 - Monitoring Driving


Drivers are required to notify the Company of any driving or driving related offence, including any fixed penalty, which might affect the status of their driving licence. A record will be kept, and reviewed, of all driver infractions and training or disciplinary action may be used to minimise future recurrences.


Section O1 - Routing and Scheduling


In determining a route and schedule, consideration will be given to all the issues that have an impact on operational costs and the risks to all road users.


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